Here’s the thing with glam designs: there’s a very thin line between pulling the style off effectively or coming off as bad taste. This dining table masterfully straddles that line. With its all-glass table top, luxury is at the forefront here. It’s supported by a rectangular base that features an eye-catching detail–encrusted crystals encased underneath a sheet of glass. The same details can be found in the optional server, which includes a standard way to store bottles of wine and glassware. What pull this thing together are the matching chairs. Upholstered in deep navy with acrylic buttons, it’s the kind of detail takes the whole ensemble up a whole new level.
furniture of america.
Furniture of America is your provider of life changing and home altering furniture. We believe that furniture carries with it the emotion of joy. It can breathe life into your home and reshape the way you interact in your domestic realm. We feel that your home should reflect who you are and how you want those closest to you to feel when they enter a room. It is a long journey from manufacturing, to retail, and finally to your home.
FOA is committed to our role in delivering furniture along its journey of happiness.
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